interactive inflatables tube

Should Organizations Buy or Rent Interactive Inflatables?

Interactive inflatables are attention-grabbing and can elevate the excitement and profit behind any event. There are a myriad of interactive inflatables available to event organizers. Some of the most popular inflatables include bounce houses, inflatable games, and inflatable slides. You can even utilize inflatable tubes or inflatable movie screens for advertising and entertainment needs. With all these options, it can be hard to decide which ones would be best for your organization.

There are two main ways you can include interactive inflatables in the events hosted by your organization. You can either choose to purchase commercial inflatable products or rent them from a reputable company. There are a variety of factors to consider with either option, so it is valuable to weigh the pros and cons of both.

Should I Rent or Buy?

Inflatables continue to be a popular choice for events that are looking to draw in a crowd. In most communities, this involves some kind of component that can keep adults and children entertained. For most events, especially fundraisers, the longer you can maintain a crowd, the better. With inflatable options such as bounce houses or inflatable slides, your organization’s events will be a hit. When it comes to renting or buying, factors to consider include:

  • Frequency of use – One factor to consider is how often you plan on incorporating inflatables into your various events. If you are considering only using inflatables for an occasional event, it may make sense financially to rent. However, if you intend to frequently use your equipment, it could make more sense to purchase.
  • Type of events – When choosing between renting or buying, you should also consider the types of events usually held by your organization. The type of event can impact the options, size, and type of inflatables you need. If your organization largely focuses on kid-centered events, it may make sense to purchase smaller bounce houses or slides. However, if you plan on hosting large events where you also want to cater to adults, renting can ensure you don’t have to worry about storage space, and you can have easier access to large inflatables that could cost a significant amount if purchased outright.
  • Care and Storage – Another factor to consider is the ongoing maintenance and storage of interactive inflatables. Inflatables, even when deflated, can be bulky and require storage space. You’ll also have to factor in the time and labor of keeping these items clean and repaired. If you don’t have the means or labor to do so, renting can be the best option for ease of use.

Insurance – Accidents can happen, even on equipment that is carefully maintained and monitored. When considering if you should buy or rent, you’ll need to consider any necessary insurance you’ll need. When you rent inflatables, you often just need accident coverage for your property and any accidents that could take place. However, if you own the inflatables, you need to have personal liability insurance. It is important to know any insurance or permits you would need to own versus rent.

Which Choice Is Best?

When it comes down to it, there is no wrong way to approach adding inflatables to your organization’s events. There are pros and cons to either decision, meaning that it truly depends on the needs of your unique organization. If you do choose to purchase or rent, it is important to go through a trustworthy company that can answer any questions and help you make the best decision for you.